Monday, December 10, 2007

Final Project Outcome

I have done the majority of my prints for my final project. I began by taking pictures of my grandparents along with taking pictures of things that represent them and are involved in their daily lives. It had been hard to just take pictures of them without them trying to smile and pose for the camera. So I tried to make other things fall into place with this projects. From that I took 3 rolls of film over break. I came back to Stonehill to process them and see how they looked. I was pleased with the idea I had thought up, but then went back home to take my last roll of film. I talked to them and told them to just ignore that I was there with a camera. They listened and it came out amazing. I was thrilled with the outcome. So, I came back and went with it and have a sequence of photographs of my grandparents in conversation, how they usually seem to me when we sit down and talk about life and things that are happening. It was really awesome, and these pictures will mean a lot to me and those I share them with in the future. That is why I chose to take this project in that direction rather than the initial idea.

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